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Minneapolis, MN


We help those in the food industry in Minnesota and nationally meet consumer demand for healthier options and nutritional transparency through restaurant menu labeling, nutrient analysis and more.


Sara Bloms Dietitian Image

Sara Bloms, RD, LDN


Sara has worked in the foodservice industry for over 15 years in a variety of capacities such as a small research kitchen, hospital foodservice, corporate test kitchens, and working with award-winning chefs on healthy recipe development and analysis. For the last 12 years she's been owner of Minneapolis-based The Everyday Table, where she provides support to those in the food industry from restaurants to food product developers. 

Sara also volunteers as the co-chair for a Minnesota-based networking group for women in the food and hospitality industry called Women Who Really Cook. She’s been featured in Foodservice News and written for publications like General Mills' former Live Better America. Sara’s also been featured on several local news segments providing her expertise on a variety of nutrition topics.